
EquatIO Canvas插件许可证即将过期

Canvas现在有一个 built-in equation editor which supports direct LateX input, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 will not be renewing its EquatIO license. EquatIO use within Canvas should be phased-out throughout the 2023-2024 academic year as the license expires at the end of the school year. This only applies to the institutional license 密歇根州立大学丹佛 held for Canvas; this does not apply to personal licenses.


In collaboration with the Access Center technology team, the IAG is investigating ways to create accessible documents from LaTeX files.

Why Make Science, Technology, Engineering, and Science Accessible?

If professors are unable or unprepared to recognize and address the needs of students with disabilities, 结果是 “if students cannot access opportunities that feed into a STEM pipeline, 它们基本上是看不见的.”

Formulas and images are a large part of instruction for a variety of fields such as chemistry and statistics. Using tools such as Microsoft Equation Editor or EquatIO can help in making students with disabilities visible in fields such as science and math.



The following list consists of the most common issues that make STEM content inaccessible as well as quick steps for avoiding them:

  • Using plain text to write formulas or equations; a screen reader will attempt to read plain text equations as plain text
    • Instead: use tools like MathJax and EquatIO to include equations that will render in an accessible format
  • Inserting equations or formulas in a PDF document; equations and formulas in PDFs cannot be rendered to an accessible format.
    • Instead: present the equations in Microsoft Word or Canvas
  • Providing digital tools and resources with no alternative; STEM disciplines often utilize complex visual tools, but these tools need additional support to be made accessible in digital contexts
    • Instead: add data tables for charts and tactile resources for more complex visual tools
  • Using color as the sole indicator; colors are not perceived in the same way by all and should be supported
    • Instead: use patterns and other visual cues to indicate meaning





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Improve your instructional accessibility through the IAG live trainings, 对单个材料进行访问检查, 或者课程回顾.

Have more questions or need additional assistance? 给无障碍教学小组发邮件.