Matching your passion to an organization’s values is a part of our daily lives. 无论是皇冠官网网站工作的公司, the candidates we support or the stores where we shop, we are continually evaluating how the world around us fits our ideals.

Why should it be any different for your philanthropy?

At 密歇根州立大学丹佛, we do so much more than simply educate Coloradans — we help them grow into tomorrow’s leaders inside and outside the classroom. From providing emergency assistance to students to supporting capital projects, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 offers programs and opportunities that align with your values.

Let us help you match your passion to our opportunities.


At 密歇根州立大学丹佛 we meet our students wherever they are at in their zig-zaggy life. 有时候高中刚毕业就这样了, 有时它是他们的第二个, 第三, 甚至是大学的第四次尝试. Whatever the scenario, our hope is to support their academic journey every step of the way.

We strive to provide wrap-around support to all students throughout their time at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. Our practice is equity-minded and access-driven, and we develop supports that will meet students where they are and support them from one transition moment to the next. Collaboration is the hallmark of our practice, and we seek to work closely with both campus and community partners to maximize efficiencies and lever年龄 resources in the student support process.

最后的结果? 毕业!

Generous gifts from donors like you is what allows us to continue to support our students wherever they are at. From wrap-around services to scholarships to high-quality academic programs, we are sure we have an opportunity that you are passionate about.

Online 密歇根州立大学丹佛 student learning outside the classroom



At 密歇根州立大学丹佛, education is not constrained by classroom walls. Every opportunity and interaction our students create is infused by a true urban learning environment where connections and influence go way beyond the edge of campus. From field experiences and co-curricular activities, to international trips and service learning — the academic experience our students enjoy has the ability to be life changing.

But financial constraints can limit our students’ ability to participate fully in what 密歇根州立大学丹佛 has to offer. Explore the ways you can support enhancing our student experience for ALL Roadrunners!

多样性、股票 & 包容

Our commitment to bolstering diversity is proactive and balanced. The University supports and values diversity in all forms in a teaching and learning community marked by mutual respect, 包容, 与合作. 多样性体现在课程设置上, 参加大学的各项活动, 在教师的组成上, 工作人员, 和学生. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 emb比赛s the diversity and 包容 of all people regardless of their identity. 这些身份包括, 但不局限于能力, 年龄, 种族, 性别认同与表达, 移民身份, 知识的差异, 国家的起源, 比赛, 宗教, 性, 以及性取向.

CAMP students celebrating Dia de los Muertos



From the moment students step on campus, they are tapped into 丹佛’s creative economy. Just a stone’s throw from the heart of downtown 丹佛’s art museums and Performing Arts Center, the Santa Fe Art District and 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s Center for Visual Art, students have the opportunity to not only study art, but wrap themselves in the artistic community.

Whether your passion is in the performing arts, 视觉艺术, 平面艺术, or literary arts — 密歇根州立大学丹佛 has a wide variety of programs and projects that can all benefit from your generosity.


Your gift creates possibilities for students

Create positive change for 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students by supporting existing scholarships or by establishing a new named or endowed scholarship. Named scholarships are started with a minimum gift of $5,000 and endowed scholarships have a minimum of $25,000.

奖学金 help cover the cost of tuition, 书籍和费用, resulting in students being able to devote more time and effort to their coursework and/or athletics. 对一些学生来说, a scholarship means they can move from part time to full time and realize their goal of earning their degree much quicker.

With a wide-range of scholarships supporting student athletes to scientists to designers and more, you can directly transform the lives of our students.




红蓝基金 allows donors to make a direct impact on the sport of their choice, help student-athletes elevate their game and provide the additional funds necessary to ensure student-athletes have access to high-caliber competition and a comprehensive academic experience.